Main Ingredients


Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Christopher Brown

I've been taking appropriate dosage for almost 2 weeks and I've been feeling more in alignment than before, there are buried emotions coming to the surface for me to handle, all things considered, this is a good investment to my well-being.

Chelsea Jackson

Planetary Set of Spagyric Tinctures

Heather DeLancett

I'm just completing the 2nd set (spaced about 4 years apart) of these beauties. I've studied spagyric making for many years, and got to take a class with Feral Fungi's Jason in 2017(?). I'm inspired and impressed by this planetary series set and the products that Feral Fungi is creating in general.
I chose to take these fairly quickly - about 1-3 droppers each day based on the day of the week/planetary alignment. I could certainly notice the signs of modification to my nervous system. I experienced some insomnia, but that was created by an immense Awakeness and internal abiding awareness coupled to meditation and Tantric visualization practices. I'd recommend a lower daily dose (or even a microdose) for those that cannot accommodate a swift shift within daily life.
The most potent aspect was the dream deepening and recurring, nightly lucidity. This makes sense based on the nature of the alchemical agent - The Queendom. I'd encourage anyone looking to illuminate and make conscious life changes around reworking their own subconscious/semi-conscious programs to try any of the Feral Fungi products and notice the energetic support they bring.